Red River Valley Water Supply Project

Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) representatives held an informational meeting in July for landowners in Sheridan and Wells Counties who have property along the pipeline route of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP). Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion General Manager, says the meeting was held to proactively address landowner concerns in the area.

Fewer than 20 people attended the meeting at Garrison Diversion’s office in McClusky, North Dakota. Garrison Diversion staff provided a brief presentation about the purpose of the project, as well as North Dakota’s vulnerability to drought. The Project would use buried pipelines to deliver water from the Missouri River to water systems and communities in the central part of the state to the eastern side.

After the formal presentation, Garrison Diversion staff answered questions from attendees. The bulk of the questions centered around how the RRVWSP would impact properties. The underground infrastructure design of the RRVWSP means landowners can use their land as they always have before and after construction. In addition, all affected property owners will be compensated for the use of their land.

Property owners also asked for more specifics about Garrison Diversion’s land restoration practices, after the pipeline construction is complete. DeKrey assured the crowd that Garrison Diversion is committed to ensuring land restoration is completed correctly. As part of the process, construction crews separate the topsoil and set it aside during construction, so it can be returned to its proper place when construction is finished.  In addition, Garrison Diversion will pay crop damage payments, in the unlikely event that crop damage occurs. DeKrey also told the landowners that it’s possible farmers could be allocated a certain amount of money to restore land as they see fit as part of the land restoration process.

So far, landowners along the first 28 miles of the RRVWSP’s pipeline that will be constructed have received packets of information about easements from Garrison Diversion.