Red River Valley Water Supply Project

Meet Tim Mahoney, LAWA Chairperson


The Garrison Diversion Conservancy District and the Lake Agassiz Water Authority (LAWA) are the co-sponsors of the state Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP).  As such, the Chairpersons of each of the Boards frequently serve as the faces of the RRVWSP when talking to state and federal lawmakers.     Dr. Tim Mahoney is the current LAWA […]

Red River Valley Water Supply Project Among Top 100 Strategic Infrastructure Projects

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News Release – (Nov. 6, 2018) A drought mitigation project that will serve more than half of the state of North Dakota is among the top infrastructure projects in North America.  The Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) is named in the 2018 Strategic 100 North American Infrastructure Report.   “We were pleasantly surprised to […]

Garrison Diversion Focuses on Positive Landowner Relations

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Since the preliminary design of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) is now complete, right-of-way acquisition will soon begin on segments of the project. “All affected landowners will be compensated for the use of their land. It’s important to remember that since this is buried infrastructure, farmers will be able to continue using […]

RRVWSP Preliminary Design Completed

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The Red River Valley Water Supply Project’s (RRVWSP) engineering team recently passed a major milestone – the preliminary design of the RRVWSP is complete. “The completion of the preliminary design is a critical step for Garrison Diversion and Lake Agassiz Water Authority as the co-sponsors of the RRVWSP. This marks the completion of a number […]

Meet Merri Mooridian

Merri Mooridian 2017

Work keeps Merri Mooridian very busy these days.  Since the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) took off, she has split her time as the Administrative Officer of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) and Deputy Program Manager of RRVWSP Administration.  In her RRVWSP role, Merri oversees the administrative, legal, financial, and communication […]

RRVWSP Receives National Attention

Duane Blueprint 2025 Conf

The Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP), a supplemental water supply project that will benefit half the population of North Dakota, is attracting national attention.  Organizers of prominent national water conferences are reaching out to the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion), the state sponsor of the RRVWSP, to request presentations about the drought […]

Meet Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion General Manager

Duane DeKrey 2014

Duane DeKrey is the go-to expert on the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) when organizations from across the country want information about the drought mitigation project.  The General Manager of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) travels frequently to present information to a wide variety of audiences about the RRVWSP. In addition […]

RRVWSP Reps Meet With ND Congressional Delegation

Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion), the state sponsor of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP), sent representatives to Washington, D.C., in April to meet with North Dakota’s congressional delegation.  Duane DeKrey, Garrison Diversion General Manager, and Merri Mooridian, Deputy Program Manager for RRVWSP Administration, traveled with Garrison Diversion Directors Mike Tweed, Eddy […]

Request for Statements of Qualifications and Preliminary Proposals (SOQ/PP)

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The Garrison Diversion Conservancy District is requesting Statements of Qualifications and Preliminary Proposals (SOQ/PP) from qualified engineering firms to provide a Value Engineering Team for review of the Red River Valley Water Supply Project Preliminary Design Report dated April 2018 and milestone design submittals (60%) of Pipeline and Trenchless Crossings Contract 5. For a complete […]