Funding request for project trimmed

Funding request for project trimmedThe Leader-News & Underwood NewsAlyssa Meier, Editor After initially requesting $150 million, Red River Valley Water Supply Project officials are now asking the State for only a fraction of that in the 2017-19 budget. Four-fifths of the original total was lobbed off of the RRVWSP request after State legislators asked organizations to […]
Moving water across ND

By Keith Norman on Mar 25, 2017 The political climate for proceeding with the Red River Valley Water Supply Project looks good at the federal level, according to Duane DeKrey, general manager of the Garrison Diversion Conservancy District. DeKrey and other Garrison Diversion officials were in Washington, D.C., last week to talk with the North […]
New RRVWSP Website Loaded with Project Information

The Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) has a new website to provide information to stakeholders and the public. The website address is The new site is a one stop shop for information about the RRVWSP, including the need for the project, its history and progress; maps and an explanation of the pipeline […]
2017-2019 Legislative Funding Request to Jump Start Construction

The Garrison Diversion Conservancy District (Garrison Diversion) and Lake Agassiz Water Authority (LAWA) are requesting $30 million for the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) from the State Water Commission’s budget for the 2017-2019 biennium. “Obtaining $30 million is essential for three reasons. First, it will allow us to stay on a critical path […]
Celebrating RRVWSP Progress

Over the past two years, the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) has made great strides. Project organizers hope the project’s momentum continues into the upcoming biennium. “It’s clear that waiting for a drought to occur before taking action would result in devastating consequences to the region and state. We need to keep the […]
Sign-ups Exceed Expectations: Half of North Dakota’s Population to Benefit from Red River Valley Water Supply Project

Upon its completion, roughly half of the population of the State of North Dakota will benefit from the Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP). The RRVWSP is a plan to safeguard water for North Dakota communities and rural water districts in times of drought, as well as promote industrial development. Thirty-five cities and water […]