Meet Ken Vein, Garrison Diversion & LAWA Board Member

Ken Vein has worked on many historic projects over the course of his careers in engineering and public service. During his time as the Grand Forks City Engineer and Public Works Director, he fought the historic flood of 1997 and helped plan the recovery from the natural disaster. On the opposite end of the spectrum, […]
Red River Valley Water Supply Project User Meetings Soon Underway

Red River Valley Water Supply Project (RRVWSP) representatives will soon be out meeting with potential recipients of the supplemental and emergency water supply. More than 30 rural water systems and cities originally signed on for the development phase of the project. The project is now in the construction phase and the Cities of Grand Forks […]
Federal Appeals Court Rules in Favor of ND Water Project

n July, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a Missouri Federal District Court’s ruling to allow water from the Missouri River to be conveyed to central North Dakota. The ruling relates to the 2021 dismissal of the State of Missouri’s challenge of the Bureau of Reclamation’s environmental review of the Central North Dakota Water […]
RRVWSP Construction Progress

There are currently three construction crew shifts working night and day to lay 72” pipe in the ground in Foster County, near Carrington. They are focused on wrapping up a nine-mile stretch of pipeline that is scheduled to be substantially completed by the end of November. “As with any construction event, we’ve run into some […]